According to a recent article from the cost of flash memory is set to plummet this year due to manufacturers flooding the market in 2006.
Joseph Unsworth, an analyst with Gartner Inc. (Stamford, Conn.) stated "Technically, you still have to buy it from vendors. It's certainly more affordable." In one scenario, the analyst said he heard of a 256-Mbit, USB-based flash drive that sells for $35 each--with a $35 rebate from the manufacturer. "In Asia, entry-level MP3 players with 1 Gbyte of storage can go as low as $25"
I'll believe it when I see it.
I did a little research on Newegg, Circuit City and Best Buy and found that while 256-Mbit flash memory was a downright steal, the higher cards were still somewhat expensive.
A SanDisk 1Gb Ultra® II CompactFlash® Card was retailing for $19.99. This is a pretty cool deal. However the SanDisk 2Gb Ultra® II CompactFlash® Card was retailing for $79.99.
Now there may be some hidden perks of the 2Gb card that I'm not aware of (maybe read and write speed), but wouldn't it make more sense to use 2-1Gb cards instead of 1-2Gb card?
The SanDisk 4Gb Ultra® II CompactFlash® Card is retailing for $139.99. The SanDisk 8Gb Ultra® II CompactFlash® Card is retailing for $279.99.
All of these prices are after rebates, etc.
I really don't understand the pricing of these cards.
Hopefully Mr. Unsworth is correct and the prices of these cards drop significantly. My thoughts are that the 8Gb card should be retailing around $160.00.
For more on the EETimes article:
Here Endeth the Lesson
Flash Memory for free??
Trent Slabaugh
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