According to a company statement provided by Apple spokesman Derick Mains, "Although iTunes 7.0.2 may work with Windows Vista on many typical PCs, Apple is aware of some known compatibility issues and recommends that iTunes customers wait to upgrade to Windows Vista until after the next release of iTunes, which will be available in the next few weeks." Apple declined further comment.
According to a notice posted on Apple's Web site, compatibility problems include the inability to play music or video purchased from the online iTunes store, difficulties synchronizing contacts and calendars and possible failures of iPods plugged into a Vista computer. Various iTunes customers are reporting that you cannot authorizeiTunes (for WIndows) on Vista to play things purchased from the iTunes Store.
I've heard of some the Vista issues such as QuickBooks being Vista "incapatable". So this is just another piece of software that Vista has problems with.
Adam Anderson, a spokesperson for Microsoft's Windows division, said the company did not believe iTunes users "should stop using Vista for these reasons."
I think the best option for everyone is to give Vista about six months to a year for software developers and Microsoft to get the current bugs worked out and start working on the bugs that will invariably have resulted from those fixes.
For more on the iTunes issue read here.
For more on the QuickBooks issue read here.
Here Endeth the Lesson
Apple warns iTunes users not to intall Vista
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I'm pulling my hair out over this one. I was one of the fools who blindly upgraded to Windows Vista. Now I'm having all kinds of problems viewing streaming videos damnit.
I can no longer view videos from nor (NSFW).
But I can still view videos on YouTube? WTF?
Does anyone have the same problem as I, and was able to figure out a fix?
The dailymotion I get used to, but I can't live without my porn!
The only fix that I've been told for the iTunes issue is wait until the next update goes live.
Sorry to hear about that..